January 6th, 2019
New Year, New Doppelplusungut Album
A very Happy New Year, everyone! Got lots of plans for 2019. Most importantly, work on MDAL/Bintracker-NG will resume shortly. Also, I really want to finish that new beeper album that’s been in the pipes for 2 years. But first of all, let’s round up 2018.
Of course, tradition requires that a new Doppelplusungut album be released. We literally finished it at the last minute this time, due to having both a big agenda and one week less time than usual. “Fake” is, in several ways, a departure from the past 10 years of ++u. There were some major changes in our workflow, with MIDI taking on a dominant role for the first time. Still trying to work out the details of that. Initially we tried out seq24 and Buzé for main control, neither of which were fully satisfactory. So we ended up driving several tracks through dat zekt’s Boss DR-202.
Also, the album is less broad in terms of styles and genres, as we wanted to focus on making Techno this time. Thirdly, the absurdist post-apocalyptic space epos of the past 10 years has finally come to a close, with this year’s radio play featuring a new story line revolving around current themes of fake news/facts, filter bubbles, and so forth. Still in a very Doppelplusungut way, of course.
As usual, the music is exclusively available on CD. If you’d like a copy, drop me a mail.